Cuke Skywalker takes on Darth Tader in...
A Supermarket Far, Far Away (May 10, 2005)--The Organic Trade Association (OTA) and Free Range Studios today launched a sci-fi supermarket saga, "Store Wars: The Organic Rebellion" (www.storewars.org), on the Internet. The five-minute movie features Cuke Skywalker, Princess Lettuce, Chewbroccoli and other organic rebels—played by real vegetables dressed as Star Wars characters—battling it out with Darth Tader, the evil lord of the Dark Side of the Farm.
Store Wars is an outreach effort of OTA to educate consumers about the many benefits of organic products. By spoofing a pop culture phenomenon like Star Wars, OTA hopes to attract a new generation of organic consumers, especially “Gen Xers” who grew up loving Luke, Leia and Han, and are now increasingly concerned about making healthy food choices for their families.
“If you think about it, a battle is currently being waged over food in America, and the direction agriculture will take in the future. We’re asking in a light-hearted way for people to think about the choices they make at the grocery store,” said Katherine DiMatteo, executive director of the Organic Trade Association.
Store Wars is the brainchild of Free Range Studios, makers of the 2003 smash hit The Meatrix (www.themeatrix.com), an online movie seen by more than 10 million viewers, translated into four languages and honored at the Webbys, Sundance, South by Southwest and a dozen other prestigious festivals and contests. To obtain a Beta SP or DVD copy of the mini movie, contact Holly Givens at the Organic Trade Association (www.ota.com).
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