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May 14, 20191 min read
New Emulin Plus By Dr. Joseph Ahrens, PhD.
If you're wondering what the difference is in Emulin Plus and Prevail 24/7 Carb Burner, here are your answers. Emulin Plus is a product
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May 12, 20191 min read
Formulator Dr. Joseph Ahrens PhD. Discusses Prevail 24/7 Carb Burner & Newly Announced Emulin
Listen and hear about a new "superfood" nutrient that everybody on the planet, young or old needs to stay well. #easyweightloss...
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May 9, 20191 min read
Formulator Kevin Thomas Discusses SlimRoast Optimum Coffee
Listen to formulator Kevin Thomas discuss what SlimRoast Optimum Coffee is, and how and why it works to help people lose weight so...
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Mar 27, 20181 min read
Looking For a Better way To Live?
If you’re looking for a way to create some extra income, and/or a healthier lifestyle, then you might want to watch this interactive...
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Feb 13, 20181 min read
Do Ketogenic Diets Work? Here’s Why They Work
If you’ve heard of ketogenic diets, but we’re curious about why and how they work, then check out this interactive video....
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Sep 14, 20172 min read
Rebalancing IS the KEY to Health
Is your blood flowing freely? Can you change the environment in your body into a healing one? I believe you can. How? By cleaning up the...
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Aug 5, 20142 min read
Valentus Prevail Product Review
Everybody’s has felt that low energy in the afternoon at work. You just don't know how you are going to make it through the rest of the
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May 5, 20141 min read
The ABCs of Staying Young & Healthy
Check out this video, and learn about a FREE system for staying healthy, that you can easily learn in a very short time. stop guessing and
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May 2, 20142 min read
Energy...How to Get It...How to Keep It!
Does it seem like no matter what you do, you don't seem to have enough energy to get through your busy day? If you are like a big major
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Jan 19, 20141 min read
Why I Eat Butter
This pretty much sums it up in the butter vs. margarine debate! I vote butter, and have been educating people about this for years! Here...
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Jun 11, 20131 min read
GMOs: Seeds of Death?
Think GMO Seeds & Foods Aren't Dangerous? Think Again!
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Apr 15, 20131 min read
So....What's In Your Fast Food Burger?
Did you ever wonder what really is in that "Fast Food" burger you are eating every day for lunch? Would you believe that a large
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Apr 14, 20131 min read
Where Do Your Meat and Eggs Come From?
Are you eating food from a sustainable source, or from a factory farm? Do you know what the difference is? If you don't know, then you
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Apr 6, 20132 min read
Store Wars Organic Rebellion?
A Supermarket Far, Far Away (May 10, 2005)--The Organic Trade Association (OTA) and Free Range Studios today launched a sci-fi supermarket s
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