Lack of exercise can also be a big link to fatigue and even depression. Be sure to get enough moderate exercise from activities like walking, swimming and lymphasizing.
Many people have found lymphasizing helpful for many reasons, including fatigue, depression, detoxification and even weight loss. The reason that people do this is to help open and shut the lymph valves of their lymphatic system. The lymph system is what moves wastes and toxic materials out of the body. The only things that will move lymph are deep breathing and exercise, both of which many people never do. When you begin to lymphasize, it is recommended that you drink up to 2 glasses of warm water. The water helps to get the lymph fluid in your body moving.
Here is how it's done. Place both bare feet on the center of a mat at shoulder length apart. Without taking your feet off of the mat, begin to bounce. (Never take your feet off of the mat for this exercise). As you bounce, breathe 20 quick breaths through your nose to fill your lungs with air. then do 20 quick short breaths out through your mouth. to empty your lungs as much as possible. Keep repeating the breaths as you bounce. This creates a vibrational energy vortex that can help transform the cells in your body (including fat cells). Vibrational weight loss is all the rage in Hollywood right now, but unlike many of the stars, you don't need a machine to do it for you. It is best to start lymphasizing for about 5 – 10 minutes first thing in the morning, and then lengthen the amount of time as needed. Lymphasizing can help increase the levels of oxygen in your body's cells. This can also be done with a mini trampoline (rebounder), just remember, don't pick your feet up and jump, just bounce! Below is a very interesting video from the pioneer of lymphasizing Dr. Samuel West.